Page 103 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 103

considerations underlie this practice?” “Why do governments offer student loans for postsecondary education?”
C3.2 explain programs and policies of governments in various countries designed to narrow income inequality (e.g., progressive income tax, child tax credits, micro loans, affirmative action, educational policies, employment insurance, social assistance), and assess their effectiveness
Sample questions: “What are some government strategies designed to respond to homelessness in Canada? How are these similar to or different from strategies in some other countries?” “What impact do government microcredit programs have on the standard of living of individuals and their communities?”
C3.3 explain the role and rights of workers as well as the role of governments, both in Canada and internationally, in shaping and enforcing these rights (e.g., with reference to collective bargaining rights, the Rand formula in Canada and labour legislation in other countries, minimum wages, maximum hours, health and safety legislation, regulations against discrimination and harassment, child labour laws)
Sample questions: “How do the rights of workers to unionize differ in the United States, Canada, and France?” “What is the purpose of collective bargaining? What is the significance of the right to collective bargaining for unionized workers?” “What are some differences in the rights of workers around the world? What impact do these differences have on their lives?”
 Analysing Current Economic Issues

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