Page 6 - Business Studies 9-10 (2006)
P. 6

          INTRODUCTION 5
• develop lifelong learning skills that will help them adapt to technological advancements, the changing workplace, and the global economy;
• make connections that will help them take advantage of potential postsecondary educa- tional, work, and business opportunities.
These goals can be achieved in a concrete and practical context through real-world learning activities that combine the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.
Five Critical Areas of Learning in All Business Studies Courses
The business studies curriculum in Grades 9 to 12 offers a range of courses, all built on the belief that effective learning in all subjects of the discipline depends on the development of knowledge and skills in five critical areas: business skills; communication in a business environment; digital literacy; financial literacy; and ethical, moral, and legal considerations in business.
The business studies program comprises a set of interrelated courses that extend and deepen students’ understanding and skills in these critical areas as they progress through the grades, enabling them to apply the relevant concepts and skills with increasing sophistication to a broad range of business-related issues and problems. Recognizing linkages between these five areas of study strengthens students’ understanding of theory and successful practice in the world of business.
Although the specific content of courses changes from subject to subject and grade to grade, the focus on the five critical areas remains consistent throughout the business studies curriculum, from Grade 9 to Grade 12, and lends continuity to student learning.
Each of the five critical areas of learning is associated with related areas of knowledge and skills, as outlined in the following table.
 Critical areas of learning
Business skills: Knowledge and skills necessary for success in business.
Communication in a business environment: Methods, technology, and standards involved in communication within and between businesses (including the use of appropriate terminology, established formats, and state-of-the-art technology).
Related areas of knowledge and skills
• problem solving
• critical and creative
• employability skills
• applications software • financial planning
• entrepreneurial skills
• literacy skills (listen-
ing, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, representing) •
• business terminology • delivery of
presentations •
• •
• • • • •
leadership organizational productivity
risk management teamwork
strategic planning business etiquette research and inquiry
formatting of documents
global awareness etiquette and protocols in electronic communications conflict resolution
 • •

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