Page 97 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 97

  Marketing Challenges and Approaches, and Distribution
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• assess the challenges facing a business that wants to market a product internationally;
• comparetheapproachestakenbyvariouscompaniestomarkettheirproductsinternationally;
• demonstrateanunderstandingofthelogisticsof,andchallengesassociatedwith,distribution to local, national, and international markets.
Specific Expectations
Marketing Challenges
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify the types of products that trade freely into and out of Canada and those that are restricted in their movement (e.g., textiles, softwood lumber, firearms);
– analyse the legal, political, and financial challenges a company faces in getting a product to different markets;
– explain the importance of understanding consumer differences (e.g., with regard to cultural norms, disposable income, spend- ing habits) when marketing globally.
Marketing Approaches
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify market-entry strategies used by companies for entering foreign markets;
– describe, on the basis of online investiga- tion, the ways in which information and communication technology (e.g., as used in e-commerce, e-distribution, data min- ing) influences global marketing strategies;
– compare marketing approaches taken by companies in different foreign markets.
Distribution and Logistics
By the end of this course, students will:
– compare the logistics of delivering a product to a local, a national, and an international market;
– describe the key factors (e.g., climatic considerations, topography, cost) that influence the ways in which a company may deliver its product to an international market;
– compare the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation for distributing a product to different world markets;
– identify, drawing on a variety of sources, including the Internet, information to facilitate the import/export process (e.g., International Trade Canada, brokerage firms).

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