Page 84 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 84

  Project Management
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of a team-based approach to project management; • demonstrate the use of electronic tools to manage a multimedia team project;
• use a team-based approach to create a multimedia product.
Specific Expectations
Team-Based Project Management
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify advantages of a team-based approach to project management (e.g., collaboration, delegation of roles based on individual expertise);
– compare effective and ineffective teams and explain how they differ;
– identify challenges and advantages of working in a culturally and socially diverse workplace (e.g., bridging differences in customs and religion and ethnocultural backgrounds; access to a range of cultural and educational experiences);
– describe how businesses resolve employee conflict to enhance productivity.
Electronic Project Management Tools
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify and describe the electronic tools used by business to facilitate project-team activities (e.g., e-mail, intranet, software features that enhance collaboration, sched- uling tools, fax, video conferencing);
– describe applications software that is specifically designed to facilitate project management;
– use appropriate electronic tools to enhance team productivity.
Multimedia Product
By the end of this course, students will:
– implement an appropriate project- management process to complete a team project (e.g., set goals, organize, schedule, budget, control, evaluate);
– create a multimedia product (e.g., school website, e-commerce website, presenta- tion, animation) in a team environment, using appropriate software;
– use effective strategies (e.g., conflict reso- lution, decision making) to enhance team productivity;
– communicate the finished product to an appropriate audience, using effective pre- sentation techniques.

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