Page 72 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 72

  Developing a Venture Plan
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• produce,usingappropriatecomputersoftware,theelementsofaventureplan,includinga production plan, marketing plan, human resources plan, management plan, and financial plan that are most appropriate for their proposed venture;
• design a website as part of their venture plan;
• assessandfinalizetheventureplan,includingthewebsite,anduseittoassesstheviabilityof their venture.
Specific Expectations
Preparing the Venture Plan
By the end of this course, students will:
– develop, using appropriate software, the production, marketing, human resources, management, and financial components of their venture plan;
– use information technology for a variety of business purposes in the production of the venture plan;
– compare models of venture-planning frameworks (e.g., models available from Canadian financial institutions, the Entrepreneurship Centre);
– explain how different types of computer software can assist in venture planning (e.g., spreadsheet software to help prepare financial statements; chart wizard to help prepare graphs; website design software to facilitate the development of the website; word processing software to help prepare the text of the report and to create tables; desktop publishing software to help prepare advertisements);
– generate a draft version of their venture plan, using appropriate software.
Venture Website Design
By the end of this course, students will:
– define the purpose and target audience for their venture website;
– develop the website elements and content (e.g., text, images, navigation bars, logo, heading, e-commerce payment systems, copyright information);
– create an effective website for their venture (e.g., using OSAPAC software, MS Publisher, Dreamweaver).
Assessing and Revising the Plan, Including the Website
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify the individuals in their school and community who could assess and respond to their venture plan, including their web- site (e.g., peers, teachers, advisers, investors, bankers, relatives, community college/ university faculty, business mentors);
– determine, on the basis of the feedback received, the revisions that should be made to their venture plan, including their website;
– produce a final version of their venture plan, including their website, demonstrat- ing the effective use of business communi- cation techniques;
– assess, on the basis of the information in the venture plan, the potential for the viability of the venture.

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