Page 51 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 51

  Enterprising People and Entrepreneurs
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• analyse the characteristics and contributions of enterprising people;
• compare the characteristics and contributions of various entrepreneurs; • assess their own entrepreneurial and enterprising potential.
Specific Expectations
The Characteristics and Contributions of an Enterprising Person
By the end of this course, students will:
– develop a profile (e.g., characteristics, skills, motivations, abilities, attitudes, aptitudes, contributions) of an enterprising person;
– identify opportunities for students to engage in enterprising activities in school and in the community (e.g., editing the school newspaper or yearbook, fundraising);
– analyse the personal benefits of being an enterprising person;
– explain how they can use and develop their skills in enterprising ways (e.g., giv- ing art or music lessons, coaching sports).
Characteristics and Contributions
of an Entrepreneur
By the end of this course, students will:
– develop a profile of a typical entrepreneur by researching a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs, including Aboriginal entre- preneurs;
– distinguish between an entrepreneur and an enterprising person;
– compare the challenges and opportunities facing young entrepreneurs with those fac- ing adult entrepreneurs;
– identify the skills (e.g., negotiating, inter- personal, money management, selling) required for entrepreneurial success;
– outline the importance of incorporating ethical practices and social responsibility when operating a business venture;
– describe the impact that local entrepreneurs have had on the community (e.g., by creat- ing jobs, providing community leadership, funding scholarships);
– describe how entrepreneurs have been agents of change (e.g., by developing new products, methods of production, and ways of doing business);
– describe the effect that changes brought about by entrepreneurs have had on the lives of people (e.g., workers, consumers, business people).
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe opportunities they have had to demonstrate enterprising and entrepre- neurial characteristics and skills;
– conduct a self-assessment of their entre- preneurial characteristics and skills;
– identify ways of measuring, evaluating, and developing their interest in potential enterprising and entrepreneurial careers (e.g., use the Internet, find a mentor, interview an entrepreneur).

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