Page 28 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 28

Accounting is the language of business. It is difficult to imagine an organization or an individual that is not affected in some way by accounting. From the local corner store to
the world’s largest corporation, businesses use accounting to organize, understand, and communicate all aspects of their financial position. Ultimately, it is this understanding that helps people make wise business decisions.The integration of information technology and accounting software throughout the accounting curriculum will help prepare students for today’s business environment. Students who learn not only the fundamentals of accounting, but how to think and apply that knowledge, will have the confidence to integrate accounting principles and practices into their work in a wide spectrum of careers.
Financial Accounting Fundamentals, Grade 11, University/College Preparation
– Fundamental Accounting Practices
– Advanced Accounting Practices
– Internal Control, Financial Analysis, and Decision Making – Ethics, Impact of Technology, and Careers
Accounting Essentials, Grade 11, Workplace Preparation
– Fundamentals of Accounting for Business
– The Accounting Cycle
– Internal Control, Banking, and Computerized Accounting – Decision Making, Ethics, and Careers
Financial Accounting Principles, Grade 12, University/College Preparation
– The Accounting Cycle
– Accounting Practices for Assets
– Partnerships and Corporations
– Financial Analysis and Decision Making
Accounting for a Small Business, Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
– Service and Merchandising Businesses
– Accounting Practices
– FixedAssets,Payroll,andIncomeTax
– Ethical Issues, Budgets, and Business Expansion

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