Page 120 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 120

  Retail and Service Operations
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• identify and describe various methods of inventory control;
• describe and demonstrate merchandise and service presentation techniques;
• describe the role of the human resources function in retail and service businesses.
Specific Expectations
Inventory Control Methods
By the end of this course, students will:
– explain the importance to retail businesses of a variety of purchasing and receiving procedures and inventory control systems (e.g., just-in-time inventory, warehousing, overstocking, understocking);
– explain the importance of computer technology in inventory control;
– describe, on the basis of research, the internal and external methods employed to protect businesses from inventory shrinkage.
Merchandise and Service Presentation
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify and describe the various classifica- tions of merchandise (e.g., convenience goods, shopping goods, specialty goods, impulse items);
– compare different visual display techniques used in several retail and service environ- ments to attract customers (e.g., colour scheme, holiday theme, window display);
– identify ways in which retailers use store design and layout to attract and maintain customers;
– create a visual display of a layout to effec- tively present merchandise or a service (e.g., bulletin board, window display, show- case, virtual layout).
Human Resources in Retailing and Service
By the end of this course, students will:
– outline, on the basis of research using information technology, the organizational structures of retail and service businesses and job descriptions for positions in these businesses;
– describe types of remuneration (e.g., hourly wage, salary, commission, bonus) commonly used by retail and service businesses;
– identify, through research, labour and workplace safety laws and regulations as well as organizations offering health and safety certification and training (e.g., in first aid, CPR,WHMIS) to the retail and service industries;
– explain the importance of ensuring diver- sity in the workplace in retail and service businesses.

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