Page 10 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 10

   The Program in Business Studies
Overview of the Program
Four types of courses are offered in the business studies program in Grades 11 and 12: university/ college preparation, college preparation, workplace preparation, and open courses. Students choose between course types on the basis of their interests, achievement, and postsecondary goals.The course types are defined as follows:
• University/college preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for specific programs offered at universities and colleges.
• College preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the requirements for entrance to most college programs or for admission to apprenticeship or other training programs.
• Workplace preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the expectations of employers, if they plan to enter the workplace directly after gradua- tion, or the requirements for admission to certain apprenticeship or other training programs.
• Open courses are designed to broaden students’ knowledge and skills in subjects that reflect their interests and to prepare them for active and rewarding participation in society.They are not designed with the specific requirements of universities, colleges, or the workplace in mind.
The Grade 11 and 12 program in business studies offers a variety of courses to help students develop a deeper understanding of the world of business and to focus their interests in this area.There are courses that will help students develop their knowledge and skills in the areas
of accounting, entrepreneurship, information and communication technology, international business, marketing, and business leadership. Students can select courses in entrepreneurship
to learn about the creation and operation of a small business or how to develop and apply enterprising skills as employees. In the information and communication technology courses, students will develop essential digital literacy and application software skills critical for success in their academic studies and chosen career path.They will also be able to select courses that focus on the key skills and concepts of accounting and marketing, or courses that will develop their understanding of the nature of leadership and the ways in which businesses are structured and managed to achieve organizational goals. In the international business courses, students will learn about opportunities that lie beyond our borders, and will explore the business relation- ships that Canadian companies and the Canadian government have established with other countries.
The design of the business studies program will enable students to select courses that relate to their interests and that prepare them for further study or work in the field of their choosing. Business studies courses are well suited for inclusion in programs that lead to a diploma with a Specialist High-Skills Major.Whether students eventually work in business or simply use the services of business, the business studies program will provide them with a foundation for making wise choices and informed decisions.

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