Page 80 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 80

  Grade 10, Open
B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom
B2.2 explain how dramatic exploration helps develop awareness of different roles and identities people have in society (e.g., explain what they learned through role playing characters from different socio-economic groups)
Teacher prompts: “How does it feel to take on the role of someone with a low or high status?” “How has your involvement in representing stories and legends through drama changed the way in which you understand yourself and the world? How has the experience of ‘living through’ another’s reality in your imagination affected your view of the world?”
B2.3 describe ways in which different types of dramatic exploration and drama presentations contribute to the school and broader community (e.g., list school productions, community theatre, professional theatre, street theatre, children’s theatre, or school-spirit assemblies they have attended, and describe how they and the audience benefited from the experience)
Teacher prompts: “What is the purpose of
a Remembrance Day assembly?” “What are the benefits of coming together as a school to celebrate or commemorate important events?”
B2.4 identify ways in which dramatic exploration contributes to their understanding of diverse cultures and traditions (e.g., identify insights they gained through exploring the role of ritual
in Greek theatre and/or Aboriginal ceremonies)
Teacher prompt: “What kinds of personal, social, and/or religious rituals or ceremonies have been depicted in dramas you have viewed or presented? How do they resemble or differ from rituals or ceremonies that are part of
your culture?”
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify and describe skills, attitudes, and strategies they used in collaborative drama activities (e.g., brainstorming, active listening, and cooperative problem-solving skills; strategies for sharing responsibility through collaborative team roles)
Teacher prompt: “What skills or strategies did you use to negotiate in your group? How did the strategies help you solve problems during the rehearsal process?”
B3.2 identify skills they have developed through drama activities and explain how they can be useful in work and other social contexts (e.g., explain in a journal how their brainstorming and negotiation skills support teamwork in a variety of contexts)
Teacher prompt: “When do you have to work as a team member in other areas of your life? What skills do you need to be part of a team?”
B3.3 identify connections between their learning in drama and possible employment opportunities in the broader educational and arts sectors (e.g., production and/or performance roles in community theatre, television/radio broadcasting, filmmaking)
Teacher prompt: “How could you go about gaining experience if you were interested in working in television? What skills might you need to be successful in that field?”

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