Page 64 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 64

  Grade 10, Open
B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify physical, intellectual, and artistic skills that are developed through dance and explain how they can be applied to a variety
of careers (e.g., with a partner, research and report on possible summer volunteer or employment opportunities where their learning in dance could be helpful)
Teacher prompt: “What skills that you’ve learned in dance class are required for employment in any field?”
B3.2 identify and describe ways in which dance arts could play a greater role in their community (e.g., identify groups in the community who might benefit from dance activities but who are not currently served by dance organizations)
Teacher prompt: “How could dance organiza- tions do outreach to bring the benefits of dance to all members of the community, including the elderly and people who are physically challenged or developmentally delayed?”
B3.3 develop and maintain a traditional or digital portfolio to document and analyse their dance-related learning in a variety of ways (e.g., through photographs, ticket stubs, programs, videos, recorded or written personal reflections), and use it to analyse their strengths and areas that need improvement
Teacher prompt: “Based on the materials in your portfolio, how would you describe your development as a dancer? What knowledge and skills have you acquired or strengthened along the way? What have been your most memorable moments? Why?”

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