Page 134 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 134

 Grade 10, Open
C3.2 demonstrate an understanding of safe and conscientious practices associated with the use of materials, tools, and technologies in visual arts, and apply these practices when creating and/or presenting art works (e.g., use appropriate precautions when dealing with hazardous materials; adopt protective measures when using sharp tools; keep their work space clean and free of physical and other hazards; demonstrate respect for classroom facilities, tools, equipment, and technological devices)
Teacher prompt: “Why is it important to know about the toxicity of art materials? What are some precautions you should take when work- ing with toxic materials?”
C3.3 demonstrate an understanding of how the production and presentation of art works can affect the environment, and apply environmen- tally responsible practices when creating and presenting art works (e.g., use recycled materials where possible; separate recyclable and hazardous materials from their waste; limit the use of environ- mentally hazardous substances or non-sustainable resources)
Teacher prompt: “What is the most environ- mentally responsible way of disposing of photographic chemicals? Why? What other substances do you use that can be partially or wholly recycled?”

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