Page 131 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 131

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by examining, interpreting, evaluating, and reflecting on various art works;
B2. Art,Society,andValues:demonstrateanunderstandingofhowartworksreflectthesocietyin which they were created, and of how they can affect personal values;
B3. ConnectionsBeyondtheClassroom:demonstrateanunderstandingofthetypesofknowledgeand skills developed in visual arts, and describe various opportunities related to visual arts.
B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 identify and describe their initial reactions to a variety of art works, and explain the reasons for their reactions (e.g., the aspects of the work and/or their personal experiences that contributed to their first impressions of its mood, subject, intent)
Teacher prompt: “What emotions do you feel when you look at Albrecht Dürer’s engraving Melancholia? What aspects of the work do you think contribute to those emotions? In what ways does your personal experience influence your initial response to this work?”
B1.2 identify and describe the elements and prin- ciples of design used in their own art works and the works of others, and describe their effects (e.g., how line, colour, and shape are used to create emphasis, mood, and/or movement)
Teacher prompt: “What are the similarities and differences in the use of shape, pattern, and colour between an illumination from a medieval manuscript and a contemporary art work that incorporates text? What effects do these elements and principles produce in these works?”
B1.3 explore and interpret a variety of art works, both historical and contemporary, to identify and describe their purpose and style, the mate- rials used, and the meanings the works convey (e.g., compare medieval and Renaissance art or architecture with respect to their style and purpose and the media/materials they use; describe the style and meaning of the works of Roy Lichtenstein)
Teacher prompts: “Why were sculptures of figures elongated and stylized during the Romanesque period? Why did this approach change during the Renaissance? Do the changes in style affect the meaning of the works? Why or why not?” “What do you think was the purpose of Edouard Manet’s Le Déjeuner sur l’Herbe? What aspects of the style or content of the painting support your opinion?”
B1.4 use a variety of strategies (e.g., peer- and self-assessment, formal critiques, feedback and reflection following public displays) to identify and reflect on the qualities of their own art works and the works of others, and evaluate the effectiveness of these works
Teacher prompt: “What did you learn about your art work from having it on display with the works of others and from receiving feedback from your audience? Is there anything you would change in your work in response to
this feedback?”
Visual Arts

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