Page 123 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 123

  A3. Production and Presentation
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 explore and experiment with a variety of media/materials and traditional and/or emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and apply them to produce art works (e.g., experiment with contemporary art-making methods and materials; incorporate found objects, digital images, and mixed media into their art work; use alternative painting surfaces and implements)
Teacher prompts: “How could you use found materials to create an art work that shows your concern for the environment?” “What are some ways in which you could create an image with- out using a pencil and paper?” “What are some techniques that you could use to create three- dimensional works?”
A3.2 use appropriate practices to prepare their art works for presentation (e.g., complete all aspects of their art works; sign and date and/or number their works and prepare appropriate labels for them; mount, mat, and/or frame their works, as appropriate)
Teacher prompts: “Does your label clearly state your name, the title of the work, and the media you have used to create it?” “Why is it impor- tant to present your work in its best possible condition?” “What practice do artists use to indicate the order in which an edition of prints was made? Why does the artist include this information directly on the prints?”
A3.3 demonstrate an understanding of some of the ways in which art works can be presented to reach a variety of audiences (e.g., peers in
a classroom, a range of students and teachers in a school, a broader audience at a venue in the community)
Teacher prompts: “What criteria would you use when selecting an art work to present to your class? Would you use different criteria when selecting a work for a community art show? Why?” “What, if anything, would you do differently when creating your art work if you knew it was going to be displayed in
a public space? Why?”
Visual Arts

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