Page 116 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 116

 Grade 10, Open
 B4. Connections Beyond the Classroom
own improvisational skills?” “What are some strategies you could adopt to enhance your analytical skills?”
B3.3 describe and demonstrate interpersonal skills and work habits that contribute to the success of individual and collaborative musical work (e.g., the importance of active listening, cooperation, patience, preparedness, professionalism; the ability to encourage, direct, and motivate others; the importance of discipline and self-motivation when working independently)
Teacher prompts: “What types of skills are required for collaborative improvisations? How can you develop these skills?” “What strengths do you bring to ensemble work? How do they contribute to the overall success of the group?”
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 identify and describe a variety of music- related work opportunities that reflect their own skills and knowledge (e.g., identify music- related part-time jobs and/or work-related activities that would be appropriate for them at their skill level, such as providing singing lessons for younger children, teaching music at a summer camp, job shadowing a music producer; identify cooperative education opportunities; create a résumé and job search list for summer employment in the field of music; list possible performance opportunities; create a business plan that outlines ways they could generate income through music)
Teacher prompt: “Where might you find infor- mation about summer or part-time jobs related to music that would suit your interests and skills?”
B4.2 identify and describe, on the basis of research, formal and informal music learning opportunities that are available both in and outside of school (e.g., describe opportunities in their school and community for expanding their music education, such as music camp, summer workshops, private lessons, music clubs; map pathways from this course through secondary school and into postsecondary programs that would support a formal music education)
Teacher prompt: “What is the benefit of formal education in music to a musician in any genre? What are some ways of supplementing this formal education? How might such informal experiences contribute to your musical education?”
B4.3 identify opportunities for and explain the benefits of ongoing involvement in musical activities and the arts community (e.g., research local cultural organizations, describe how they support music and other arts in the community, and explain the benefits of this support; list performance opportunities in their community, including youth ensembles, musical theatre youth companies, jam sessions, musical events at senior citizens’ homes or service clubs)
Teacher prompt: “What are some of the roles that arts advocacy groups play in this community? What opportunities exist for you to participate in one of these groups?”

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