Page 94 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 94

  Grade 11, Open
A3. Presentation Techniques and Technologies
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 use a variety of techniques and technologies to communicate ideas to different audiences and for different purposes (e.g., use available sound and light technologies to adapt scenes to appeal to different audiences – young people, seniors, special interest groups; use an opening sound cue to establish the mood and engage the audience in a children's theatre production)
Teacher prompts: “How will you use music and lighting to engage your audience? How could you use sound and lighting to create a particu- lar mood?” “What kind of audience should hear the important messages that you want
to communicate? What strategies can you use to entice the audience into hearing/seeing/ experiencing your work so that they are moved and transformed by the experience?”
A3.2 select and use appropriate role development techniques during rehearsal and performance (e.g., techniques such as warm-ups, voice and movement exercises, concentration exercises, improvisation, guided tour)
Teacher prompt: “How does improvising out- side your given scene assist you in developing your character? What did you discover about this character that you didn’t know before?”
A3.3 select and use a variety of technological tools to enhance the expressiveness and impact of drama works (e.g., dim the lighting to signal the approach of danger; use sound effects to suggest a particular type of action or mood)
Teacher prompts: “What technological means could you use to communicate the atmosphere of your scene?” “How could you use light and sound effects to help communicate the under- lying theme of your work?”

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