Page 82 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 82

  Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
C3. Responsible Practices
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 identify and follow responsible practices while creating, performing, and viewing dance (e.g., give feedback in a constructive and respectful manner; explain how appropriate behaviour can contribute to success in the workplace as well as in performances and classroom activities)
Teacher prompt: “Why is it important to watch performances without making comments while the presentation is in progress? How might an inattentive or restless audience affect your own performance in a presentation or a job interview?”
C3.2 demonstrate collaborative skills in a variety of situations and settings (e.g., show respect for others by being punctual; fully carry out responsi- bilities of their own role while observing bound- aries between their own and others’ roles)
Teacher prompts: “What do you feel are some of the important qualities a dance leader must possess?” “Why is it important to work as a team both on stage as a dancer and in the workplace?”
C3.3 identify and follow safe and ethical practices in dance activities and demonstrate an under- standing of their relevance to workplace envi- ronments (e.g., follow correct procedures for the safe use of equipment; do appropriate exercises to guard against strain injuries; maintain appropriate distances from other dancers/workers; report to the class on copyright laws)
Teacher prompts: “What are some rules for working safely with others in a confined space?” “How does copyright law define the ‘fair use’ of another person’s work? What is the difference between working ‘in the style of’ a choreographer and copying a choreographer’s work?”

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