Page 65 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 65

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis process to reflect on and evaluate their own and others’ dance works and activities;
B2. DanceandSociety:demonstrateanunderstandingofhowsocietiespresentandpastuseorhaveused dance, and of how creating and viewing dance can benefit individuals, groups, and communities;
B3. ConnectionsBeyondtheClassroom:demonstrateanunderstandingofthepurposeandpossibilities of continuing engagement in dance arts.
B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 use the critical analysis process to describe and compare a wide variety of dance forms (e.g., identify and describe the movement vocabu- laries of two or more dance forms and explain what is different and what is similar within these forms)
Teacher prompt: “Why does comparing one dance form with another help you understand each one more clearly?”
B1.2 analyse dance works in terms of both their content and their fluency, artistry, or expressive- ness (e.g., identify technical details of alignment and placement in their peers’ movement combina- tions and explain how they affect the fluency and expressiveness of their dance works)
Teacher prompt: “How can identifying the details that give fluency to another person’s movement combinations help you improve the fluency of your own dance works?”
B2. Dance and Society
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 compare the characteristics of a world dance form and a social dance form and describe the role each has in its society or culture of origin (e.g., Odissi and square dance)
Teacher prompt: “How does traditional North American square dance resemble other kinds of folk dances? What are some ways it is differ- ent from other folk dances, past and present? How would you describe the differences between folk dance and other types of dance?”
B2.2 explain how dance contributes to their personal growth and self-understanding (e.g., develop a series of“Dance gives me...”statements that reflect how they benefit from dance activities within and outside of school)
Teacher prompt: “What areas of your life are most affected by your learning in dance? In what ways? Are there any areas that are not touched by it?”
B2.3 identify and describe different types of dance represented in a particular culture, and describe their purposes (e.g., the characteristics of rain dances in ancient Egypt and their relation- ship to environmental factors, agricultural practices, and religious beliefs)
Teacher prompt: “What are some environmen- tal issues in the world today? Which of these issues could you comment on in a dance? How might your dance be enhanced if you studied how dances from other cultures addressed environmental issues?”

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