Page 61 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 61

 C2.3 identify ways in which dance genres they have studied have challenged social or cultural stereotypes or boundaries in the arts (e.g., describe the dance legacy of José Limón as a response to the limitations of visual art)
Teacher prompts: “What are some examples of dance or types of dance that challenge viewers’ ideas about age or race or gender?” “What are some types of dance that challenge stereotypes about who can perform or participate in dance?”
C3. Responsible Practices
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 demonstrate responsible, constructive behaviour in interactions with others during the creation and production processes (e.g., work cooperatively to solve problems and resolve conflicts peacefully; show respect for others’ views in open forum discussions about performances or presentations by class members; use the phrase
“I saw”in place of“I like”)
Teacher prompt: “Why is it important to keep value judgements out of your comments by beginning statements with ‘I saw’?”
C3.2 identify and carry out the responsibilities of the varied roles they undertake during dance activities (e.g., responsibilities of a choreographer, costume manager, dancer, props or materials manager, rehearsal director, sound technician)
Teacher prompt: “What steps can you take to ensure that each group member understands the requirements of his or her role? What might be the benefits of agreeing in advance on a procedure to check that essential tasks are being completed adequately and on time? What might such a tracking mechanism look like?”
C3.3 identify and follow safe and ethical practices in dance activities in both classroom and performance settings (e.g., learn and apply procedures for the safe use of equipment in studios, classrooms, and rehearsal and performance spaces; comply with laws, regulations, and customary practices for the protection of choreographic, creative, and intellectual property rights)
Teacher prompts: “What are some hazards related to equipment use we need to be aware of during dance activities? What physical, psychological, or environmental hazards do we need to protect against?” “How does copyright law define and penalize theft of another cho- reographer’s work?” “How can you include ideas from others’ work yet still make a work your own?”

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