Page 208 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 208

  A1. The Creative Process: apply the creative process to create a variety of art works, individually and/or collaboratively;
A2. The Elements and Principles of Design: apply the elements and principles of design to create art works for the purpose of self-expression and to communicate ideas, information, and/or messages;
A3. Production and Presentation: produce art works, using a variety of media/materials and traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of ways of presenting their works and the works of others.
 A1. The Creative Process
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 use various strategies, individually and/or collaboratively, with increasing skill to generate, explore, and elaborate on original ideas and to develop, reflect on, and revise detailed plans for the creation of art works that address a variety of creative challenges (e.g., extend their skills in using brainstorming, concept webs, mind maps, and/or group discussions to formulate original and innovative ideas for an art work on
a social or personal theme; use critical research skills to explore and elaborate on ideas; demonstrate fluency in formulating clear and detailed plans; demonstrate flexibility in revising their plans on the basis of reflection)
Teacher prompts: “Have you reflected on each element of your plan to ensure it is workable and consistent with the creative challenge?” “What inspired you to address this particular creative challenge?” “Were there any particular influences from your prior experience in art that supported your idea generation or planning for this art work?”
A1.2 apply, with increasing fluency and flexibility, the appropriate stages of the creative process to produce two- and three-dimensional art works using a variety of traditional and contemporary media (e.g., extend their skills in working with a range of media; demonstrate flexibility in revising
plans in response to problems encountered during other stages of the creative process; reflect on the effectiveness of preliminary versions of their work, and revise the work on the basis of reflection and self-assessment)
Teacher prompt: “Was there any stage in the development of your art work that required more time than you had planned or that exceeded your skill with a particular medium? How did you adapt to this challenge and modify the production of your work?”
A1.3 document their use of each stage of the cre- ative process, and provide evidence of critical inquiry, in a portfolio that includes a range of art works created for a variety of purposes (e.g., ensure that their portfolio includes the fol- lowing: evidence of critical inquiry associated
with idea generation and elaboration; evidence of research on how different artists approach specific themes and/or use particular techniques that can be adapted in their own work; preliminary and final works to show evidence of thoughtful revision), and review and reflect on the contents of their portfolio to determine how effectively they have used the creative process
Teacher prompts: “Does your portfolio include examples of the different types of art works you have created? Does it represent the full range of your artistic skills?” “How did your original concept evolve as a result of technical challenges, timelines, personal experience, and/or unexpected results or feedback?”

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