Page 204 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 204

 Grade 11, Open
 B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom
B2.2 identify and explain ways in which various art works are a response to and a reflection of the society in which they were created (e.g., how artists are influenced by their access to technology and materials and by social and/or political conditions)
Teacher prompts: “What impact did the inven- tion of paint tubes have on the development of impressionist landscape painting?” “Describe how a current technology has affected the way images are made.” “How has the invention of the camera and photocopier (lens-based art) affected the type of subject matter chosen by artists?” “What social issues did Keith Haring address in his work?”
B2.3 describe how creating and analysing art works has affected their personal identity and values and/or changed their perception of society (e.g., with reference to their emotional awareness, their ability to express themselves, their approach to fashion, their cultural sensitivity, their awareness of stereotypes, their relationship with the physical environment, their appreciation of objects associated with cultural groups, their social awareness)
Teacher prompt: “Which of the art works that you have studied has had the greatest impact on you? Why? What effect did the work have on your beliefs or perceptions related to the subject matter of the work?”
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 explain how knowledge and skills acquired in visual arts (e.g., knowledge related to visual literacy; creative thinking and problem-solving skills; skills related to visual communication, spatial organization, and presentation; interpersonal
skills developed through collaboration) could be applied in a wide variety of careers and in areas of future study
Teacher prompt: “Which skills have you acquired in visual arts that would contribute to your leadership potential in a career outside the arts? Explain how you could use these skills.”
B3.2 describe, on the basis of research, a variety of pathways and careers related to visual arts (e.g., apprenticeships; postsecondary art programs; art-related careers in advertising, animation, architecture, art therapy, fashion design, filmmaking, gallery curation, graphic design, industrial design, photojournalism) and the education required for these careers
Teacher prompts: “What types of courses would you have to take to pursue a career in graphic design?” “Would you need a universi- ty degree to become an architect?” “What types of apprenticeships or experiential learning are available for someone who wants to be an ani- mator or filmmaker?”
B3.3 describe, on the basis of research, a variety of personal opportunities in their community in cultural or other fields related to visual arts (e.g., opportunities to organize or assist with craft classes for younger children in the community, to design and produce decorations for an event asso- ciated with a cultural practice, to paint community murals, to design the school yearbook, to design and produce posters for a community event)
Teacher prompt: “Are there local community centres that offer art or craft classes for children? How might you be able to assist the centre or the instructor?”

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