Page 194 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 194

  A1. The Creative Process: apply the creative process to create a variety of art works, individually and/or collaboratively;
A2. The Elements and Principles of Design: apply the elements and principles of design to create art works for the purpose of self-expression and to communicate ideas, information, and/or messages;
A3. Production and Presentation: produce art works, using a variety of media/materials and traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of ways of presenting their works and the works of others.
 A1. The Creative Process
 A2. The Elements and Principles of Design
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 use various strategies, individually and/or collaboratively, to generate, explore, and elaborate on ideas and to develop and revise detailed plans for the creation of art works that address a variety of creative challenges (e.g., use brainstorming, concept webs, and/or group discussions to formulate original ideas for thematic works and/or works of personal expression; use research and discussions with a partner to explore and elaborate on ideas; use diagrams, notes, and/or outlines to help them formulate detailed plans for the art work; revise their plans on the basis of reflection)
Teacher prompts: “What sources might you consult to help you elaborate on your ideas?” “Have you reflected on how your plan addresses each stage of the creative process? Do you need to revise your approach to any of these stages?”
A1.2 apply the appropriate stages of the creative process to produce and revise two- and three- dimensional art works using a variety of tradi-
tional and contemporary media (e.g., explore, experiment with, and refine their use of a variety of media; choose a medium/media appropriate for their planned art work; reflect on the effectiveness of preliminary versions of their work; revise their art work on the basis of reflection and useful feedback)
Teacher prompt: “How have you revised your planned art work as a result of your experi- mentation with media and techniques? In what ways does your completed work differ from your original vision?”
A1.3 document their use of each stage of the creative process, as well as varied and extensive research, in a portfolio that includes art works created for a variety of purposes (e.g., ensure that their portfolio includes evidence of idea gen- eration and elaboration, research, investigation, planning, exploration, experimentation, and revision; include a variety of works created for different purposes), and review and reflect on the contents of their portfolio to determine how effectively they have used the creative process
Teacher prompts: “What evidence does your portfolio provide of research during the imagination/innovation and exploration stages of the creative process?” “Does your portfolio include representative samples of your work?”
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 explore how elements and principles of design can be used to convey emotion and enhance personal expression, and use a combi- nation of these elements and principles to create two- and three-dimensional art works that express personal feelings and communicate

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