Page 190 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 190

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
injuries (e.g., create a radio ad outlining the importance of hearing protection for musicians and audiences; create an online or video public service announcement on the issue of drug and alcohol abuse in the music industry and its impact on careers and families)
Teacher prompt: “How would you describe the sound levels at a rock concert? What phenomena produce similar levels of sound? In which occupations are workers exposed to similar levels? What precautions do these workers take?”
C3.2 describe and demonstrate conventions associated with various types of musical performances and productions, both as a performer and audience member (e.g., role-play accepted audience behaviour at a hip hop show, a jazz concert, a symphonic performance, a Native
drum ceremony; demonstrate appropriate stage etiquette such as bowing before and after a performance)
Teacher prompts: “At what types of perform- ance is one likely to find a mosh pit?” “Why are floor-level seats popular at a rock concert?”
C3.3 demonstrate an understanding of legal and ethical issues related to music, with respect to consumers and producers (e.g., copyright their own original music products and explain the importance of doing so)
Teacher prompts: “What are your legal rights as a consumer of music? As a producer?” “Why is it important to abide by copyright laws and download music only from authorized sources? Are there ethical as well as legal reasons for doing so?”

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