Page 186 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 186

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis process when responding to, analysing, reflecting on, and interpreting music;
B2. Music and Society: demonstrate an understanding of the function of and social/cultural influences on music;
B3. Skills and Personal Growth: demonstrate an understanding of how performing, creating, and critically analysing music has affected their skills and personal development;
B4. Connections Beyond the Classroom: identify and describe opportunities and requirements for continued engagement in music.
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 identify and analyse the elements of music selections used in commercial and corporate applications through listening to and/or exam- ining notated scores of these selections (e.g., list the elements of music used in advertisements or in television or radio show themes; analyse the use of music on websites or in video games with reference to melody, rhythm, harmonic structure, timbre, and/or texture)
Teacher prompts: “How does the score for this action movie use the elements of music to enhance the emotional effect on the audience?” “What type of music is used in this advertise- ment? Why would the use of elements in this music appeal to the target audience?”
B1.2 listen in a purposeful way to music used in a variety of commercial and/or corporate applications, and describe and reflect on their
responses to and interpretation of the music
(e.g., describe their initial responses to a variety
of advertising jingles; use a graphic organizer to record their evolving interpretation of a film score through each stage of the critical analysis process; create a playlist for a specific purpose or event, and explain their choices with reference to their personal interpretation of the music and its appro- priateness for the intended audience)
Teacher prompts: “What is your response to the music in this advertisement? Do you think your response is consistent with the advertiser’s intention?” “In what ways did your interpreta- tion of this film score change when you listened to it while watching the film on DVD after initially listening to the score on CD without the images/action?”
B1.3 analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of music used in a variety of commercial or cor- porate applications (e.g., assess the effectiveness of various advertising jingles; analyse the intended emotional impact of the score for a television drama, and explain whether or not it is successful; provide constructive feedback on the music a peer has chosen or composed for a website he or she is developing)
Teacher prompts: “What role does the sound- track play in communicating the message of this movie? Do you think it is successful? Why or why not?” “Why is the theme music for your favourite TV show so effective in convey- ing the theme or tone of the show?”
B1.4 analyse research data related to music marketing, criticism, and audience response, with particular emphasis on music used for commercial purposes (e.g., analyse data on music distribution and marketing related to changing forms of music presentation [CDs versus MP3s]; use survey data to devise a marketing plan for a music product)

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