Page 162 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 162

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis process when responding to, analysing, reflecting on, and interpreting music;
B2. Music and Society: demonstrate an understanding of social and cultural influences on and effects of traditional, commercial, and art music;
B3. Skills and Personal Growth: demonstrate an understanding of how performing, creating, and critically analysing music has affected their skills and personal development;
B4. Connections Beyond the Classroom: analyse opportunities and requirements for continued engagement in music.
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 deconstruct the elements and other compo- nents in musical works through score study and purposeful listening (e.g., identify the individual elements of music in their performance repertoire and/or in aural selections, interpret their function, and analyse how the composer
has manipulated them to create specific effects; analyse the form and effect of the first movement of a classical symphony, with reference to the repetition and variation of specific elements of music; identify and analyse the use of elements in improvised music)
Teacher prompts: “How has the composer used the elements of music to create a sense of unity in this composition?” “Which elements do the musicians manipulate in their improvisation? What effect does this manipulation produce?”
B1.2 listen in a purposeful way to selections from
a wide variety of musical styles and genres, and analyse and reflect on their responses to and interpretation of them (e.g., describe their personal preferences in music styles, with refer- ence to characteristics and components of specific selections; analyse changes in their response to
a selection from the baroque period, from initial reaction through reflection and ongoing interpre- tation; explain their interpretation of a selection
from the traditional music of an Asian culture; describe their response to the original version of a classic blues recording and later covers of the same song, and explain the reasons for their response)
Teacher prompts: “When you reflect on the types of music that appeal to you, do you see similarities in the characteristics of the selec- tions? What are these characteristics? Why do you think you are drawn to them?” “In what ways does your own cultural background influence your interpretation of music from another culture?”
B1.3 analyse, and assess the effectiveness of, music from a variety of styles and genres and in various performance modes (e.g., analyse the success or lack of success of the composer of an impressionist selection in achieving his or her artistic goal; explain how the aesthetic success of an improvised selection is related to the effective- ness of its manipulation of the musical elements; assess a performance by a professional musician who plays the same instrument or has the same voice type they do, and reflect on how it may influence their own performance)
Teacher prompts: “What was Beethoven trying to convey in his Third Symphony? Do you think he was successful? Why or why not?” “How can your engagement with the critical analysis process affect your approach to the creative processes?”

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