Page 131 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 131

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Terminology: demonstrate an understanding of, and use correct terminology when referring to, elements, principles, and other concepts relating to media arts;
C2. ContextsandInfluences:demonstrateanunderstandingofthesocioculturalandhistoricalcontexts of media arts;
C3. Responsible Practices: demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices associated with producing, presenting, and experiencing media art works.
C1. Terminology
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 describe the stages of the creative and critical analysis process with reference to media art works, and explain and use correctly and appropriately a broad range of terms related to the conventions, concepts, principles, and ele- ments of media arts when creating or analysing media art works (e.g., create a media art work
to illustrate stereotypes, symbols, styles, icons, structures, and recipes used in media arts)
C1.2 describe, on the basis of research, a variety of elements from contributing arts that can be used in media art works, and explain how these elements can be applied through the principles of media arts (e.g., how elements from drama and visual arts can be organized using the principle of point of view in a multimedia art work)
C1.3 explain terminology associated with the technologies, tools, and techniques used in the production and presentation of media art works, and use this terminology correctly and appro- priately when producing, presenting, and analysing media art works (e.g., explain to an audience of their peers the technologies and tools they used to produce their art work)
C2. Contexts and Influences
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 analyse the connections between a contem- porary media art work and related historical art works (e.g., how the multimedia work of Shilpa Gupta relates to William Hogarth’s Rake’s Progress)
C2.2 explain, on the basis of research, the history and development of various media technolo- gies and/or items that are dependent on these technologies (e.g., the influence of Japanese “pillow books”on the development of weblogs; the origins of web pages, interactive CD-ROMs, interactive games, digital imaging, digital audio, digital video, multimedia installation, interactive media)
C2.3 describe, with reference to individual artists and their works, culturally specific methods used by contemporary media artists to engage their audiences (e.g., using familiar symbols or stereotypes in new and unexpected ways; integrat- ing everyday objects into their work, as in Ruth Kedar’s Playing Cards)
Teacher prompts: “How does Ian Carr-Harris use symbols, stereotypes, and icons to convey his views of Canadian identity?” “In what ways are specific contemporary media artists pushing technical and creative boundaries to create an emotional response in their audience?”
Media Arts

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