Page 108 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 108

  Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
A3. Presentation Techniques and Technologies
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 use a variety of techniques to engage specif- ic workplace audiences for various purposes (e.g., use questioning to engage an audience of trainees in a presentation about workplace safety; use a demonstration such as a make-up application as part of a sales pitch for a product)
Teacher prompt: “How might audio of accident noises strengthen your presentation on safe work habits?”
A3.2 use various drama techniques to enhance workplace presentations (e.g., use blocking to visualize and plan the layout and audience traffic patterns for a product display; plan and rehearse
phrasing, pauses, vocal inflection and emphasis, gestures, and eye contact to enhance delivery of a seminar or sales presentation)
Teacher prompts: “Which memorization tech- niques will you use to prepare for your semi- nar?” “How might relaxation exercises help you prepare for an interview or audition?”
A3.3 select and use a variety of technological tools, including forms of new media, to enhance workplace presentations (e.g., use an overhead projector, visuals, and audio recordings to support a promotion of a new product; use a webcam to create a training video for trainees to access through the Internet)
Teacher prompt: “What visual aids can you use to illustrate the steps in your presentation?”

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