Page 105 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 105

 evoke a specific mood or atmosphere; presentation software can be used to provide“surtitle”transla- tions or interpretations of dialogue and action)
Teacher prompt: “How would you modify movement, speech, costumes, sets, and make- up for a film version of your play?”
C3. Responsible Practices
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 identify and follow safe and ethical practices in all drama activities (e.g., learn and use vocal warm-up and physical flexibility exercises to protect against strain injuries; learn and use safe stage fighting and falling techniques; follow proce- dures for the environmentally responsible use of materials and energy; respect intellectual property rights and copyright laws; factor the cost of royalty payments for copyrighted material into production budgets; challenge assumptions about class, race, gender, religion, ability/disability, and sexual orientation in assigning performance and group roles)
Teacher prompts: “Why is it important to warm up your voice and body before performing?” “Is there any racial or ethnic stereotyping in this source? Can we use casting to counteract it, or should we choose another play?”
C3.2 demonstrate an understanding of the tasks and responsibilities involved in producing drama works (e.g., itemize the multiple and inter- related responsibilities and competencies of front- of-house staff, stage crew, and production staff)
Teacher prompt: “Why is it important for the different work teams to keep one another informed about their activities and progress? What problems could be caused by a break- down in communication?”
C3.3 demonstrate an understanding of correct theatre worker and audience etiquette in class- room drama activities and formal performance contexts (e.g., as a cast member: arrive prepared and on time for rehearsals; avoid jumping cues
or directing fellow actors; keep to timelines for memorizing lines and blocking; as a viewer: avoid behaviour that disturbs or distracts the actors or other audience members)
Teacher prompts: “How would you rate the audience etiquette demonstrated in the theatre today?” “What are some examples of profes- sional or unprofessional behaviour in the theatre?”

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