Page 101 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 101

 A2.2 use a variety of drama conventions to help identify and incorporate new or emerging ideas in drama works they are developing (e.g., use stranger-in-role and meetings to explore possi- bilities for resolving the drama’s main conflict, agree on revisions, and refine the final product)
Teacher prompt: “How could the new perspec- tives on the characters that emerged during rehearsal influence the outcome? What process will you use to decide which ideas to keep and which to discard?”
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 demonstrate an understanding of how different acting and staging techniques reflect and support different purposes in drama (e.g., identify theatre styles – such as Brechtian theatre, theatre of the oppressed, or Shakespearean theatre – that can help them achieve specific goals in theatre, and use them as models in producing drama works)
Teacher prompt: “How does the use of theatre- in-the-round techniques or a thrust stage affect the actor–audience relationship?”
A3.2 use different acting approaches to explore and depict character in a variety of situations (e.g., use forms of improvisation based on Keith Johnstone’s teachings in Impro for Storytellers; use Rudolf von Laban’s observations about movement to suggest a character’s psychological state)
Teacher prompt: “What did this technique help you learn about your character? How will you communicate this information to your audience?”
A3.3 select and use a variety of technological tools to help convey mood, create tension, and suggest universal connections (e.g., use projected images to suggest a link to global issues; use atmospheric lighting to heighten suspense)
Teacher prompt: “What special effects would highlight the theme of this drama? What tech- nological tools could you use to create those effects?”
 A3. Presentation Techniques and Technologies

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